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Versioning ASP.NET Web API Services uri based Versioning

I’ve been doing some work with APIs lately and finally had the chance to dig into the ASP.NET Web API a bit more. While it’s technically brand new (released with .NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012), the Web API has been around in beta form for quite a bit now. For those of us who have done a fair amount of work with the WCF framework, the Web API is a welcome addition/replacement. Instead of monstrous configuration files and contract-first demands placed on us by WCF, we can now build RESTful web services using a very lightweight and HTTP-focused framework. As I work on designing a new API, one thing that I’m focused on right now is versioning.

 In this blog post, I’ll show you how to build uri based versioning for ASP.NET Web API services.



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