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Showing posts from August, 2011

Pl/SQl Examples pivot example

bcp command Export: bcp testdb.dbo.TBL_BOOKINGS out C:\sqlbackup\test8.txt -S ipadress/servername -U sa -P password -n Import: bcp testdb.dbo.TBL_BOOKINGS in C:\sqlbackup\test8.txt -S ipadress/servername -U sa -P password -n

Error 29506 when installing SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express on Vista/windows7

Fix this issue by doing like this. 1. Under ‘Accessories’ from ‘All Programs’, right-click the Command Prompt shortcut and select ‘Run as Administrator’. Accept the UAC warning when prompted. 2. From the command prompt change to the directory that holds the SSMSEE installation .MSI file. 3. Enter the command .\SQLServer2005_SSMSEE_x64.msi if you’re running Vista x64 /windows7(64-bit) or .\SQLServer2005_SSMSEE.msi if you’re running Vista x86 (32-bit) 4. Press enter and complete the installation as normal.