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Showing posts from May, 2014

Microsoft's New Plan To Make People Love Windows 8 Is Starting To Work- Holy Grail app development

When it comes to Windows 8 and Windows Phone, Microsoft has been caught in a Catch-22. People buy devices for the apps. Developers only want to write apps for devices that already have a lot of users. Microsoft has to convince app developers to write for Windows, not just iOS and Android, in order to sell more devices. This week during its developer conference, the company unveiled a grand strategy to break the stalemate. It announced a plan to deliver what's known as the "Holy Grail" of app development: write the app once and it runs on everything, Windows 8 devices, Windows Phone 8, Xbox, iOS and Android. Microsoft's plan consisted of lots of new development software, updates to existing software and new features in its app-hosting cloud Azure. Plus, Microsoft also launched a new software foundation that will bring even more "Holy Grail" tools to app developers, for free. Many people who attended the conference liked what they heard. A lot. Busin

How to GZip content enabled in ASP.NET and GoDaddy

Enable Gzip compression in ASP.NET using web.config configuration . Referring to the article “ Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site” from YUI,  Gzip compression reduces the response time. Gzip compression generally reduces the response size by about 70% and approximate 90% of today’s internet traffic travels through browsers. After searching around for answer on how to implement gzip compression on ASP.NET application, I found the solution below is the easiest to implement. See also :   Multi-Device Hybrid Apps (Preview) - in Add the configuration shown below in the in web.config file. This configuration setup enable gzip compression on static and on dynamic content. I have tried it on GoDaddy’s Windows Shared Hosting and it works fine. Enable Gzip compression in ASP.NET using web.config configuration. < system.webServer> < httpCompression directory = " %SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\IIS Temporary Compressed Files " > < sc

Multi-Device Hybrid Apps (Preview) - in

Multi-Device Hybrid Apps (Preview) for Visual Studio 2013  Multi-Device Hybrid Apps (Preview) Use Visual Studio to easily build hybrid apps that run on iOS, Android, Windows and Windows Phone using a single project based on HTML and JavaScript. Target iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows Store With Apache Cordova integration, build once and deploy to a variety of devices and platforms. Best of all, you get access to native Device APIs using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Reference : Visual Studio Apache Cordova Tooling preview and the future of .NET for Cloud and Server